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Monday, November 19, 2012

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some Hope May Be Lost (But Just A Little Bit...)

Well, the radio says Romney, TV says Obama, and it seems like every other news outlet is paying more attention to Moderator Robert “Bob” Schieffer, or Big Bird, than either candidate. Last night, both men decided to spend more time on rhetoric, and trying to make the audience at Lynn College laugh, than trying to convince the American people to vote for them. Correct me if I’m mistaken, but shouldn’t the American public know why each man is right for the job, and what he said last night? I thought so. If you are part of that minority who went into last night’s debate with a concrete idea of who you are voting for come Election Day, then last night was just another installment in what have become weekly comedies, for the viewing pleasure of the American public. However, if you went into last night with no idea of who you’re siding with on November 6th, then last night didn’t do too much for you. With as much talk about ships and bayonets as there was about Syria, Libya, and Israel combined, last night’s “foreign policy” label certainly was a misnomer. this debate was one where Romney could have easily taken the forefront in foreign policy, but fortunately/unfortunately (depends how you look at it), Romney did not do so. Again, just like last debate, it seemed like the President and the moderator were on the same page. Obama seemed to have the upper hand on Romney, in terms of being allowed to speak over his allotted time. This allowed Obama to capitalize, and make the most of this extra time. 

The Two Stars of the Debate:

Moderator Robert "Bob" Schieffer

Mitt Romney's Arch Nemesis: Big Bird

So what does this mean for the American people? Well...virtually nothing. This debate did not do what many people expected it to do. Truth be told, both men stayed along the same lines of rhetoric as they had in the previous two debates. Neither man separated himself from his opponent, and thoroughly confused the American people. While both men did make the audience laugh as a result of their verbal jabs and rhetorical punches, the connection with the audience stopped there. Both men spent more time talking to moderator Bob Schieffer about his life and career, as well as making mentions to ships, bayonets, and Big Bird. B-Readers, if this was the debate that you expected to tell you who to vote for, this wasn’t the one to watch. B-Readers, I promise to bring you more updates, and to continue to bring you the truth among lies. Until next time!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

All Hope is Not Lost

So close. That is the only way I can describe that Jets game. They were so close to victory, and in classic, evil Jets fashion, they managed to find a way to lose. Trust me folks, Room 114 was not a happy place (Chernin - the Patriots Fan - does not count, he's from Boston). What I would give to shave those luscious locks of Tom Brady's hair off after a game like that. I hate him. I really do.
Tom Brady and his hair.
I think we can all agree its time has come.

However, do not lose hope B-Readers. Just as quickly as Rex Ryan lost all that weight the Jets can shake off the defeat and look to the future for hope. A glance at the Jets schedule shows that they have gotten through the tough-part, and, as long as they win the games they should (which, sadly, they probably won't) they can still very easily make the playoffs.

Week 8: Jets vs Dolphins - Win  - Jets Record (4-4)
Dolphins stink. Jets better not blow the important divisional game.

Week 9: Bye

Week 10: Jets @ Seahawks - Loss - Jets Record (4-5)
'Hawks at home are just too good

Week 11: Jets @ Rams - Win - Jets Record (5-5)
Rams just are not a good team. Their time will come, but it is not now.

Week 12: Jets vs. Patriots - Loss - Jets Record (5-6)
I wish I could say this was a win, but the Pats never lose under the spotlight.

Week 13: Jets vs Cardinals - Win - Jets Record (6-6)
Jets recover from Thanksgiving loss with thrashing off falling Cardinals

Week 14: Jets @Jaguars - Win - Jets Record (7-6)
With Gabbert and Jones-drew both hurt, it seems like the Jaguars are ready to implode this year.

Week 15: Jets @ Titans - Win - Jets Record (8-6)
As long as Jets defense keeps Chris Johnson in check, Titans should be no match for NYJ.

Week 16: Jets vs Chargers - Win - Jets Record (9-6)
This is a close one. But by then Rivers will have declined even more, Jets pull off victory.

Week 17: Jets @ Bills - Win - Jets Record (10-6)
Tough divisional matchup, but Bills are not good enough this season.

There you have it, a 5 game win streak to end the year and seal the Jets as one of the wild card teams for the AFC. It is not a crazy fantasy, and if the Jets manage to beat the Seahawks or Patriots, who knows what could happen.

Until next time B-Readers. Enjoy, be safe, and have a great B-Week.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Guide To The Circus

Greetings B-Readers! I hope you’re all as excited as I am for tonight’s show. No, I’m not talking about the Yankees-Tigers game, I’m talking about a matchup between two other heavy-weights, the men with whom the future of our country will rest in just a few short weeks. My friends, in the coming hours, the second installment in the debate saga will take place at Hofstra University. Based in Uniondale/Hempstead, NY (the jury’s still out on that one). Tonight brings a debate between President Barack Obama, and his adversary, Republican Nominee for President and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. However, tonight there are three main things that can, and will have an impact on tonight’s debate. Here’s the “B-Men Hofstra Debate Watching Guide.” What to Watch for:

1. A More Forceful Obama
After the last debate, President Obama needs to hit the ground running in this debate. Last debate, the President seemed to be reserved, unable to gain his normal form until nearly the end of the debate. However, tonight needs to be different, the President needs to come out in top form. In order for tonight’s debate to go more smoothly than the last one did for our esteemed President, he needs to come out in full force. The President needs to make sure that the audience knows his positions, and that he is right. Simply put, Barack Obama cannot let Mitt Romney walk all over him again. 

Democratic Candidate and President Barack Obama  

 Republican Candidate Mitt Romney

2. Ability to Connect to the Audience
This audience is one that can truly swing the debate. A mixture of college students and potential voters, the ability to connect the audience can give one candidate an advantage over the other one. The applause and positive vibes that either candidate can get from this college audience can even go as far as to embolden one of the candidates. If Obama can get the audience on his side at the beginning of the nigh, it could help him regain the form that helped him win the nomination, as well as the presidency in 2008. However, if Romney can connect to the audience, he could show the American public that he is relatable candidate who, in fact, is the candidate not just for the older generation, but for the younger generation as well.

5. Making The Audience Laugh 
This goes back to the ability to connect to the audience, and is just something that helps all politicians when the speak in any public forum. Besides the use of comedy, both men will be looking to make the audience laugh at every opportunity. Again, this is a technique that can give both men the ability to make the audience to think that they are the perfect candidate. Especially in a situation with so many potential voters, both Obama and Romney want to get as comfortable as they can with the crowd. In addition, any chance that one of the candidates has to flash those pearly whites for a photo opportunity can, and will be taken advantage of. So remember B-Readers, keep your heads up, and take everything you hear tonight with a grain of salt. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

3 of America's "Greatest Threats" (and why we shouldn't worry)

America is considered by many to be the greatest countries in the world. Being the greatest country in the world comes with responsibility and power: the responsibility and power to deal with the world’s problems. There are other countries, events and global problems that threaten America and its stance as the strongest and best country in the world. However, many of these perceived threats are actually not threats at all.

1. The Arab Spring

The perceived threat:
The past two years have seen a lot of change in the Middle-East. This historically volatile region has seen regime changes and revolutions in countries like Libya and Egypt. In other countries such as Syria and Jordan, people are still protesting and fighting for change. Unfortunately, to finance these revolutions, rebels and revolutionary leaders have to look to anyone and everyone for donations. Radical Islamic organizations such as Hezbollah, al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood have stepped up to finance these revolutions. It is thought that this will allow Radical Islamic Jihadist movements to influence politics in a region already filled with anti-American sentiment.

Why we shouldn't worry:
In many of the countries that have experienced revolution or regime change American sentiment is actually pretty high. It turns out that unlike what we are led to believe, the average Arab in the Middle-East does not hate America. What about that core group of radical Islamists? Turns out they haven’t been able to influence the new governments as much as they would like. The new governments have stepped up to show support for America and appear to be rather moderate in many countries. For now, look elsewhere to find a real threat to America.

2. China

The perceived threat:
Over the past 10 years the American government’s deficit has been increasing exponentially. Who is funding this deficit budget? It seems that China is footing the bill for uncontrolled American spending. So what if China decides to cash in on its loans to America? It would 100% without a doubt crush the American economy.

Why we shouldn't worry:
Our economy is linked to China’s; if they were to crush our economy they would also essentially be crushing theirs. Exports to America and its allies form the backbone of the Chinese economy. Unless China becomes self-destructive we won’t have to worry about China destroying our economy anytime soon.

3. The Global Economic Crisis

The perceived threat:
The American economy is linked to the global economy. With the crisis in the Euro-Zone and in countries such as Spain and Greece what’s to say were not next. After all, we are in the process of attempting to recover from a recession of our own. Without a strong global economy to help us how can we hope to get back on our feet?

Why we shouldn't worry:
Countries such as Greece and Spain are much fiscally weaker than us. They also use what many see as a failing currency. Not only is our economy on the upswing, but we are creating jobs and starting to reduce the deficit. The dollar, although week at times is still a strong currency and is recognized as one of the best international currencies. Unlike the rest of the world we don’t have to worry about the global economy as much as our own. In a few years we will be just fine. Just give it some time.

Stand With Me

B-Readers, today I write with a heavy heart and perhaps, an eye to the future. Yesterday afternoon, the jail sentence for former Penn State football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was handed down. In a Pennsylvania court room, Judge John Cleland all but ensured that the 68-year-old Sandusky would spend the rest of his life in prison, by sentencing the convicted child molester to a minimum of 30 years behind bars. Sandusky has been found guilty of 45 o the 48 charges levied against him including 10 counts of corruption with minors, 10 counts of endangering the welfare of the 10-15 year old boys with whom he had heinously inappropriate interactions. These 45 counts carry a maximum of 442 years in prison, and there are still thoughts and hopes that Sandusky will face even more punishment for his involvement in the Penn State sex abuse scandal.

Sandusky being led into a Pennsylvania courtroom

Make no mistake B-Readers, what happened is absolutely disgusting, and simply cannot be overlooked. However, there can be a silver lining that comes out of this situation. The entire situation must not be looked  at merely as the societal and moral collapse that it was, but of a group of individuals who were not afraid to take on something that was bigger than all of them put together. Each of the victims has issued their own statement, but it is their unwritten message that rings the loudest. By coming together, these brave men have shown that they will not back down in the face of intimidation, tyranny, and societal pressure. Their work has helped to bring down more than just the statue of a man. The bravery, camaraderie and perseverance shown by these men has helped to expose men like Jerry Sandusky for the monsters that they were and are. In this case, silence is just as bad, if not worse than the crime itself. The decision not to remain silent was undoubtedly a difficult one, and the efforts have been well-placed.
As a generation on the verge of entering the work-force and the real world, there must be something from this terrible ordeal that we can take to heart. That is, never be afraid to blow the whistle! Do not be bullied into keeping silent, if something is happening to you, or to a friend, do not allow it to go unnoticed! Most importantly, do not allow those in a position of authority to use their position to unfairly gain an advantage over those who may work without a title. There is nothing but my highest praise and regard for those individuals who made the decision to not remain silent. By speaking out, they have shown the solidarity that we all must recognize. Until next time B-Readers.

Monday, October 8, 2012


This article is being written to update you on a serious epidemic sweeping across Binghamton University: the Bangladeshi AIDS. Some of you may know this by other names, such as the Binghamton Flu, but make no mistake, it has its roots in Bangladesh and has been terrifying Binghamton students ever since and I can prove it. You see, on a certain fateful night, a certain unnamed freshman, at a certain unnamed fraternity, made it to an impressive first base with a certain unnamed young lady. This particular young lady happened to have roots in Bangladesh. The next morning the young hero in our story, who will remain nameless, woke up feeling rather ill. After recalling the events of the previous night with the help of some friends, our hero determined the source of his ailment to be his activities from that fateful night. Thus, there you have it folks- the Bangladeshi AIDS were born. They began to spread like wildfire, even faster than an actual real disease. Within the week 9 others had been infected with the Bangladeshi AIDS. The lone man in our group left standing? It was yours truly. Now the thing about the Bangladeshi AIDS is that it is a particularly aggressive and stubborn strand. It is also particularly cruel and here is why. Those infected with this disease typically feel ill for 4-5 days with symptoms including sore throat, headache, fever, fatigue, and just all around crappiness. After this time period one can expect to feel clear of all symptoms. However, it has been noted in several cases that some infected persons will experience a relapse of the disease as far as one whole week later. Is that torture or what? Now for a moment I would like to draw your attention back to the fact that I was the only one not to get sick. Now for a moment I would like to draw your attention to the fact that each of the times I have said that I have used the past tense. Yes B-Readers, this morning I woke up with an, albeit only slightly, sore throat. It is unconfirmed wether I have finally contracted the feared disease but I have been downing airborne like it is my job to try to fight it off just in case. Only time will tell from here so wish me luck. It may be too late for me which is why I am telling you so you can protect yourselves. So with that I leave you. Until next time, stay healthy, stay safe, and above all, pray you do not catch the Bangladeshi AIDS.  
In case you were wondering where the AIDS is coming from.