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Monday, September 24, 2012

Game Day

A typical day watching Football. Unless you're the B-Men
            12 guys. Two girls. Lots of sweat, yelling, and dancing around. No, this is not that frat party from Saturday night, or the famed Avicii concert. No, this is Game Day in room 114, the place where B-Men and, we hope in the future, all the beautiful ladies at Binghamton come to party and enjoy Jets football (though we did have two hotties in there today.) Game Day is no ordinary day. On Game Day miracles happen. Birds chirp, the sun shines, and Sodexo doesn’t put laxatives in its food. Just kidding, that one still happens. Just ask my suitemate Chris.

            Anyway, at 12:30, the members of the Game Day Crew start filing in. Everyone battles for the good seats. Do I want the lawn chair, the butterfly, or the couch? Of course, as per the Joe Katz rule, 114ers are guaranteed a seat. (For all of those who do not know the Joe Katz rule, please ask a member of the B-Men, we’d be happy to tell you) At 12:50, the pizza is ordered, and everyone settles in for some J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS football.
            The game starts, and immediately, the Jet fans in the room realize what they are in for, and the Bills fan, Giant fan, and non-fan’s in the room watch and mock our suffering. The Jets make mistakes, their opponents dominate, and we lose our voices screaming at the television. Halftime comes, we drown our sorrows in our Papa John’s or Nirchi’s pizza, check our fantasy scoreboards, and prepare for the second half. But then, somehow, from some hidden “Jesus saves Tebow’s team again” magic cauldron, the Jets start coming back. The yelling turns to shouts of joy, and then, magically, the Jets pull out that elusive victory from the jaws of defeat. The Jet fans in the room all celebrate in their own way. Some hug, some dance, some throw other people in a closet (yes that actually happened.) Whatever the celebration, everyone enjoys and the “natural high” begins.
            But, the day does not end with a Jet victory. In fact, on a day like this one, it seems as if it only begins when our Jets win. After the game, we run to Appalachian Dining Hall for a celebration meal. Sometimes, like today, these meals can be more entertaining than one would think. One minute we are eating, reminiscing about the win, and the next one a Binghamton soccer player is mooning the dining hall, and after that the toaster is on fire #livingwithAaronChernin.
            Finally, we return to the palace that is 114 to watch the Sunday night football game. Let me tell you, it is always nice to watch the Patriots lose, especially with a suitemate that is a Patriots fan.
            At last, we all shuffle into our rooms, play some Halo, do some work (ya right) and slowly fall asleep. As I lie in bed, I watch the never-ending Binghamton rain splat against my window, recall the events of the day, smile, and thank God for Game Day.

P.S.  Next Sunday, on Game Day, I expect all of you to be in room 114. Hunter. Mountainview. Except for Patriot fans. You can all stay home.


  1. He's kidding, Pats fans are always welcome, and will be greeted with smiles and goodie bags

  2. i never said you could use my name
