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Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Best Four Years of Your Life

We were told for all of high school that it would be the best four years of our lives and that we should savor every moment.  When we got to college we received the same wise words.  It seems like every four years we get promised the next set will most certainly be the best yet.  Now as much as you might start developing trust issues with someone who keeps changing their mind what the best four years of your life will be, I certainly will not be the guy who doubts a supreme theory that tells us we will perpetually have the best four years of our lives.  So that brings me to my point.  What exactly makes these four years the best of our lives?  While we are at it, lets try to come up with an interesting meaning for life itself.  And hell, can someone please tell me why the best years of our lives always comes in groups of four?

Ok, so maybe its not an exact science.
For starters, lets try to tackle the general meaning of life and then we can try to solve what makes these four years so special.  If you ask the all knowing powers that be, aka Siri, you will receive one of two answers.  You will either be told the popular answer of 42, or you will be told the meaning of life is chocolate.  Now I do not know about you but I am not satisfied with either of these answers.  Quite frankly if we are put on this earth simply to 42, whatever that is supposed to mean, or eat chocolate, well then shoot, I have been doing it wrong all these years.  Now from my understanding, Siri did not go to Binghamton, so I am banking that she cannot really be trusted.

Honestly, what is she good for?
Now let us shift to a much more legit source, one we can trust a whole lot more: Me!  As someone that is in the middle of that shifting process between those high school "best four years of your life" and the college "best four years of your life" I am trying to figure it out just as much as any of you.  However, as someone that thinks to himself way more than is probably good for mental health I am going to try to offer a few points of wisdom.  In the span of two months my whole life has been flipped on its head.  Now that should terrify a person but, quite frankly, so far its been kind of fun.  For me, the best way to experience life is to experience it full force.  In simpler terms, Go Hard or Go Home.  What makes high school the best four years of our lives and these college years the best four again are the constant new obstacles.  New opportunities provide new experiences.  If you want any four years to mean anything in your life you need to go at them like they are the best four.  It is just like Herb Brooks says in the movie Miracle, "Great moments are born from great opportunity.  That's what you earned here tonight boys."

So B-Readers, that is what you earned here this week.  The best four years of your lives.  I do not know about all of you, but for me this has been one very long week.  So go out there this weekend and make these four years the best for yourselves.  Try something new, do something crazy, make a new friend.  You never know what can make your next four years.  And hey, if you screw up with the whole "do something crazy" thing this weekend do not worry, chances are you probably won't remember anyway.  Besides, you have the next four years ahead of you.  Remember, they are going to be the best of your life.  And the next four and the next four.  So buckle up for a long and awesome road.  Cannot wait to be part of the ride.  As always, till next time faithful B-Readers.

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